Merit Scholarship
AYCO merit scholarships are available to students 7-18yrs old on all orchestral instruments that exhibit exceptional talent and potential on their instrument. Merit scholarships are based on the student’s Merit Audition Video performance and are at the discretion of AYCO, with varying results from year to year. Merit scholarship students have two juries per year for review.
All scholarship students must apply and audition each year for scholarship consideration. Subsequent-year scholarships will be assessed by the level of improvement, and future income streams and confirmed on an annual basis. To apply for the AYCO Merit Scholarship, students must complete the Registration Form Below & Submit a Merit Audition Video on or before the May 31st Deadline. All applications take approximately 6wks to process after May 31st.
DEADLINE – May 31st
- Merit Audition Video (VIDEO ONLY –DUE 5/31) – Upload Video Performance (MP4) on Google Drive – NAME VIDEO “(Student Name – Instrument – Merit Audition Video YEAR)” Share Video Via GOOGLE DRIVE to
- Merit Audition Fee – $25 – pay here