The American Youth Chamber Orchestra (AYCO) is grateful to acknowledge the following sponsors. With such generous support, AYCO is able to create and develop a staple youth program in the Chicago area, empowering and guiding young artist to reach for the stars. In order to continue pursuing artistic excellence, AYCO relies on Sponsorships to allow us to provide the high quality musicianship and leadership skills young artist will need to excel.
If you would like to become an AYCO Sponsor, email us at AYCO@amimusic.org.
Maestro – $20,000 +
Director – $15,000–$19,999
Concertmaster – $10,000–$14,999
Principal – $5,000–$9,999
Virtuoso – $2,500-$4,999
Soloist – $1,000-$2,499
Artist – $500-$999
Cadet – $250-$500